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1917: Russia's Red Year

ISBN-13: 9781910885222

Author(s): John Newsinger

Subjects: FXZ, XQA

Publisher: Bookmarks

Publisher Imprint: Bookmarks E Books

Publication Date: 28-02-2017

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

1917: Russia's Red Year

About the book

This graphic novel follows the lives of Natalia and Peter, two youths at the centre of a revolutionary storm. In 1917, Russian workers poured out of their factories and sparked revolution. Defying Cossacks, they took control of the streets, calling on other workers. Troops were brought in to restore order. But soldiers' anger at war, food shortages and injustice led them to mutiny. In weeks the Tsar was gone, followed by the government that replaced him. By October, workers had taken control. But what happened in that momentous year changed those who lived it.