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And the Girls In Their Sunday Dresses: Four Works

ISBN-13: 9781592212781

Author(s): Zakes Mda

Subjects: DD

Publisher: Africa World Press

Publisher Imprint: Africa World Press

Publication Date: 01-07-2005

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

And the Girls In Their Sunday Dresses: Four Works

About the book

Two very different women meet during a long wait to buy subsidized rice and discover they have more in common than their poverty; an old man and a child share a last loving waltz; a cynical, disabled gangster learns humanity from a committed social worker, and a young girl finds her missing father and her role in the political struggle. This collection of stage plays, one radio play and a cinepoem, captures the essence of Zakes Mda's method as a dramatist- a slow but intimate process of revelation (on the part of the characters). It is a pleasurable artistic cooperation.