Bomb The Suburbs

by William Upski Wimsatt

Bomb The Suburbs

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Should graffiti writers organise to tear up cities, or should they really be bombing the suburbs? That's the question Wimsatt poses in this seminal foray into the world of hip hop, street art and the culture and politics that surround it. Taking on topics ranging from tagging and hip hop to suburban sprawl, racial identity and youth activism, Wimsatt combines stories, cartoons, interviews and parodies to challenge the suburban mindset wherever it's found. Funny, provocative and painfully honest, Bomb the Suburbs encourages readers to expand their preconceived boundaries.
About the book

Should graffiti writers organise to tear up cities, or should they really be bombing the suburbs? That's the question Wimsatt poses in this seminal foray into the world of hip hop, street art and the culture and politics that surround it. Taking on topics ranging from tagging and hip hop to suburban sprawl, racial identity and youth activism, Wimsatt combines stories, cartoons, interviews and parodies to challenge the suburban mindset wherever it's found. Funny, provocative and painfully honest, Bomb the Suburbs encourages readers to expand their preconceived boundaries.