Yield To Temptation

by Todd James
Yield To Temptation
  • ISBN-13: 9780983719991
  • Author(s): Todd James
  • Subject: Art & design styles: from c 1960
  • Publisher: Picturebox Inc.
  • Imprint: Picturebox Inc.
  • Publication Date: 13-09-2012
  • Format: h/b

Availability: In stock

A collection of 60 drawings by Todd James, each complete unto itself and also representing a potential painting. Each has been created specifically for this book and each is of a piece with James' larger concerns: American excess as represented by the forms and fictions of sexuality, the ravages of war, and in particular, Somalian piracy. James invites viewers to glamourise these issues even as he undercuts our assumptions.
About the book

A collection of 60 drawings by Todd James, each complete unto itself and also representing a potential painting. Each has been created specifically for this book and each is of a piece with James' larger concerns: American excess as represented by the forms and fictions of sexuality, the ravages of war, and in particular, Somalian piracy. James invites viewers to glamourise these issues even as he undercuts our assumptions.

Books by this Author