Hall Of Fame: New York City

by Alain Mariduena
Hall Of Fame: New York City

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The birthplace of the style writing school of graffiti is New York City. This is the place where young writers first began to transform letters from simple tags on a wall to elaborate masterpieces of colourful and camoflauged letters embellished with characters that depicted friends and heroes alike. The most famous of these schoolyards is located in East Harlem on 106th street and Park Avenue: it became known as the Hall of Fame. This colourful title is an artistic retrospective of that famous and important New York landmark.
About the book

The birthplace of the style writing school of graffiti is New York City. This is the place where young writers first began to transform letters from simple tags on a wall to elaborate masterpieces of colourful and camoflauged letters embellished with characters that depicted friends and heroes alike. The most famous of these schoolyards is located in East Harlem on 106th street and Park Avenue: it became known as the Hall of Fame. This colourful title is an artistic retrospective of that famous and important New York landmark.