Kelly Williams Brown had two Very Bad years. In just a short time period, her marriage collapsed, she broke three bones (in separate and unrelated incidents), her father was diagnosed with cancer... and she wound up in a psychiatric hospital. But right before that she had a few Very Good years: she wrote a bestselling memoir, spoke at NASA, had a beautiful wedding, and inspired hundreds of thousands of readers to live as grown-ups as the bestselling author of Adulting. (Yes, that was her. No, she didn't trademark the phrase - to her everlasting financial regret.) What got her through the Very Bad years was, improbably, crafting. Not Martha Stewart-perfect crafting, either - it was rough-and-tumble, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants creating that was Brown's lifeline during her darkest days. Surprising, humane, and utterly unforgettable, Easy Crafts for the Insane is a poignant and hysterical look at the unexpected, messy coping mechanisms we use to find ourselves again.