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My Life in the Sunshine

Searching for My Father and Discovering My Family

ISBN-13: 9780593295960

Author(s): Nabil Ayers

Subjects: BM, DNC


Publisher Imprint: Viking Press USA

Publication Date: 09-06-2022

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

My Life in the Sunshine

About the book

Throughout his adult life, whether he was opening a Seattle record store in the '90s or touring the world as the only non-white band member in alternative rock bands, Nabil Ayers felt the shadow and legacy of his father's musical genius, and his race, everywhere. In 1971, a white, Jewish, former ballerina, chose to have a child with the famous Black jazz musician Roy Ayers, fully expecting and agreeing to his absenteeism. Despite his absentee father, Nabil, through sheer will and a drive to understand his roots, redefines what family truly is.