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Brand Hacks

How to Build Brands by Fulfilling the Consumer Quest for Meaning

ISBN-13: 9781576879825

Author(s): Emmanuel Probst

Subjects: KJSA

Publisher: Simon And Schuster Group USA

Publisher Imprint: Powerhouse Books

Publication Date: 10-03-2022

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Brand Hacks

About the book

Brand Hacks takes you on an exploratory journey, revealing why most advertising campaigns fail and examining the personal, social, and cultural meanings that successful brands bring to consumers' everyday lives. Most importantly, this book will show you how to use simple brand hacks to create and grow brands that deliver meaning even with a limited budget. Brand Hacks is supported by in-depth research in consumer psychology, interviews with industry-leading marketers, and case studies of meaningful brands, both big and small.