The Influencer Code

by Amanda Russell
The Influencer Code

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Written by an accomplished entrepreneur and an award-winning YouTube star, The Influencer Code reveals what it means to be a professional influencer and the techniques to be a more effective one. 'Influencer Marketing' is one of the biggest buzz terms of the decade, but it couldn't be more misunderstood. The mission of The Influencer Code is to become the most valuable and trusted go-to resource for all things influencer marketing.
About the book

Written by an accomplished entrepreneur and an award-winning YouTube star, The Influencer Code reveals what it means to be a professional influencer and the techniques to be a more effective one. 'Influencer Marketing' is one of the biggest buzz terms of the decade, but it couldn't be more misunderstood. The mission of The Influencer Code is to become the most valuable and trusted go-to resource for all things influencer marketing.