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Changers Book Four: Forever

ISBN-13: 9781617755286

Author(s): T Cooper

Subjects: YF

Publisher: Akashic Books

Publisher Imprint: Akashic Books

Publication Date: 04-10-2018

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Changers Book Four: Forever

About the book

When we left Kim Cruz in Changers Book Three, she'd just come out to her best friend. In Changers Book Four: Forever, Kim discovers that coming out is only the beginning of understanding who she is and where she belongs in the world. Soon enough, she changes again, into the body and social status of her dreams. What she does with her newfound power will come to haunt her. In this, the final instalment of the provocative Changers series, our hero learns what it means to be the person everybody loves without actually being known at all.