Neo-liberalism, Interventionism, And The Development State

by Benjamin F Bobo

Neo-liberalism, Interventionism, And The Development State

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In a single volume, this book uniquely scopes the spectrum of the interplay of politics, history, government, economics and business in the development - or perhaps underdevelopment - of Africa. With breadth, depth and swiftness, the authors chronicle past development efforts, discuss successes and failures and worm their way through an array of issues using the most 'ambitious' and recent development initiative - the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) - as a platform for articulating Africa's future.
About the book

In a single volume, this book uniquely scopes the spectrum of the interplay of politics, history, government, economics and business in the development - or perhaps underdevelopment - of Africa. With breadth, depth and swiftness, the authors chronicle past development efforts, discuss successes and failures and worm their way through an array of issues using the most 'ambitious' and recent development initiative - the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) - as a platform for articulating Africa's future.