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The Official Walt Disney Quote Book

Over 300 Quotes with Newly Researched and Assembled Material by the Staff of the Walt Disney Archives

ISBN-13: 9781368061872

Author(s): Walt Disney

Subjects: GB


Publisher Imprint: DISNEY EDITIONS

Publication Date: 09-03-2023

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

The Official Walt Disney Quote Book

About the book

Walt Disney once said, 'There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island and at the bottom of the Spanish Main...' Never has this been truer than within these pages. This collection of quotations from the co-founder of The Walt Disney Company ranges from the well-known to the obscure, but all are assured to entertain, enlighten, and inspire. His words have been gleaned from publications, productions, and interviews over the breadth of his amazing career. Some are simple nuggets of homespun wisdom, while others are statements of knowledge gained while he crafted the enchanting films, televisions shows, and unparalleled experiences that are so beloved by audiences the world over. The Official Walt Disney Quote Book has been compiled for anyone eager to learn more about a man who had such an incredible, positive impact on his own time and on the future yet to be - Walt Disney, the Showman of the World.