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Fantazius Mallare & Count Fanny's Nuptials

Two Classics of Erotic Decadence

ISBN-13: 9781902588940

Author(s): Ben Hecht

Subjects: FGN, FP

Publisher: Black Gas Publishing

Publisher Imprint: Wet Angel

Publication Date: 07-01-2014

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Fantazius Mallare & Count Fanny's Nuptials

About the book

A novel of satanic decadence, Fantazius Mallare is the tale of a deranged recluse. In his world of hallucination and twisted eroticism, Mallare needs a woman to worship him; he entices a submissive girl whom he strives to enthrall in chains of horror and ecstasy. Published in 1922, it was suppressed as obscene by the Federal Government. It is now published in an uncensored edition with all 10 original decadent/erotic illustrations by Smith. Count Fanny's Nuptials, first published clandestinely in London in 1907, remains one of the most rare and elusive of all decadent texts.