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Fighters For Life

ISBN-13: 9781905192274

Author(s): Michael Rosen

Subjects: CSC, DC

Publisher: Bookmarks

Publisher Imprint: Bookmarks

Publication Date: 08-11-2007

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Fighters For Life

About the book

A collection of some of the best of Michael Rosen's political poems. Readers hear the polyglot sounds on the bus going through Rosen's native Hackney, the self-justification of the Marxist intellectual turned OFSTED inspector, the primary head teacher who thinks her pupils have no language', the voice of the policemen with the blood of Blair Peach on his clothes. Also included are three moving and angry pieces written in the immediate aftermath of the 7/7 bombings in London. Rosen's writing is witty, often poignant, sometimes barbed and always passionate.'