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Writing Good Plain English

A Straightforward Guide

ISBN-13: 9781847164360

Author(s): Nicholas Corder

Subjects: CBW, CGW

Publisher: Straightforward Publishing

Publisher Imprint: Straightforward Publishing Digital

Publication Date: 25-07-2013

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Writing Good Plain English

About the book

Written in concise, accessible sections, this good-humoured book explains clearly the essentials of writing good, plain English. Corder takes readers through the entire writing process - from initial idea, through planning, writing, revising and proofreading to the eventual presentation of a piece of writing. At the end of the book, there is also an easy guide to basic grammar and punctuation as well as self-test exercises. In short, it will equip readers with the all-important skills required to produce and present documents of any kind.