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I-SAW: An Art Fair

ISBN-13: 9781739144234

Author(s): Miriam Elia

Subjects: WH

Publisher: Dung Beetle Press

Publisher Imprint: Dung Beetle Press

Publication Date: 17-10-2024

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

I-SAW: An Art Fair

About the book

Have you ever been to an art fair? Can you even afford to get into an art fair? Dung Beetle books proudly presents a handy and simple Art-Spotting-Guide. Our fun guide covers everything from mannequins in shopping trolleys to environmental apocalypse. There is so much to see, and with this I-SORE guide you can tick off every cliche you come across. As you spot each of the trends pictured, you earn an I-SORE score for yourself. You'll find your score will quickly mount up, and when it totals 1,250 points you may award yourself the rank of CULTURALLY AWAKENED. Have fun, and remember to write to M Elia (Big cheif I-SORE) for validation.