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Rise of the Graphic Novel, The (2nd Edition)

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

ISBN-13: 9781561637027

Author(s): Stephen Weiner

Subjects: FGN, FZG, XR

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 13-12-2012

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Rise of the Graphic Novel, The (2nd Edition)

About the book

The groundbreaking history of the graphic novel, fully updated to include all of the latest must-reads, the milestones and the future of this exciting medium. The author of 101 Best Graphic Novels now tells the whole history of the graphic novel revolution, from the first modern urban autobiographical graphic novel, Will Eisner's A Contract With God, to the hip indie comics of the Hernandez Bros' Love and Rockets, the dark mysteries of Neil Gaiman's Sandman and the postmodern superheroics of Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight.