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Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale: Spider-Man Gallery Edition

ISBN-13: 9781302951528

Author(s): Jeph Loeb

Subjects: FXS, XAK, XQK


Publisher Imprint: Marvel - US

Publication Date: 04-07-2023

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale: Spider-Man Gallery Edition

About the book

One of the most moving Spider-Man stories of all time gets the gallery edition treatment, by legendary creative team Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. 'It's about remembering someone so important to me I was going to spend the rest of my life with her.' What Peter Parker didn't know was that Gwen Stacy would only get to spend the rest of her life with him. This is the story of how they fell in love - or, more appropriately, how they almost didn't! To get the girl of his dreams, Peter must run the gauntlet of the Green Goblin, the Rhino, two Vultures... and a mysterious man in the shadows controlling it all. It's one of the most poignant Spidey stories ever told, by the Eisner Award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (DAREDEVIL: YELLOW, HULK: GRAY, CAPTAIN AMERICA: WHITE) - now looking better than ever in the pages of a Gallery Edition!