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Invincible Days

ISBN-13: 9781561639014

Author(s): Patrick Atangan

Subjects: FNG, FX, XA

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 18-09-2014

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Invincible Days

About the book

This collection of short stories forms a singular narrative that reveals the tiny moments when you realise you are at the precious end-days of youth. Atangan creates an intricate mosaic from his own childhood memories as well as those gathered from friends and family. Bittersweet, joyful and reflective, these are the type of marking moments that best define us as adults. By the author of the Yellow Jar (NBM, 2013) and Silk Tapestry (2004, also available from Turnaround).