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No Pasaran!

Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis

ISBN-13: 9781849354820

Author(s): Shane Burley

Subjects: JPFB

Publisher: Ak Press

Publisher Imprint: Ak Press

Publication Date: 11-05-2023

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

No Pasaran!

About the book

No Pasaran! is an anthology of antifascist writing that takes up the fight against white supremacy and the far-right from multiple angles. From the history of antifascism to today's movement to identify, deplatform, and confront the right, and the ways an insurgent fascism is growing within capitalist democracies, a myriad of voices come together to shape the new face of antifascism in a moment of social and political flux.