Proletarian Days

by Nathan Jun
Proletarian Days
  • ISBN-13: 9781849353281
  • Author(s): Nathan Jun
  • With: Barry Pateman
  • Subject: Anarchism
  • Publisher: Ak Press
  • Imprint: Ak Press
  • Publication Date: 06-12-2018
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

Hippolyte Havel was a Czech anarchist who lived most of his life in New York City. He wrote dozens of articles and was a major infuence on many artists and radicals. Leading figure in pre-WWI American anarchism, originator of Greenwich Village bohemianism, companion of Emma Goldman, and inspiration to artists and intellectuals, Hippolyte Havel was widely read in his day. He is known in fragments as someone who appears in the biographies of others, but little has been written about Havel himself, and his work has never been collected before. Havel's writing provides a valuable window onto the culture of his time.
About the book

Hippolyte Havel was a Czech anarchist who lived most of his life in New York City. He wrote dozens of articles and was a major infuence on many artists and radicals. Leading figure in pre-WWI American anarchism, originator of Greenwich Village bohemianism, companion of Emma Goldman, and inspiration to artists and intellectuals, Hippolyte Havel was widely read in his day. He is known in fragments as someone who appears in the biographies of others, but little has been written about Havel himself, and his work has never been collected before. Havel's writing provides a valuable window onto the culture of his time.