A handy, practical resource that makes it easy to keep track of your essential homeowner information for future referenceYour home is the most exciting purchase you will ever make. It's simultaneously the playground, castle and nest where your family will grow. It's also a big responsibility with lots of little details to keep track of. Fortunately, this book makes it super simple to organize everything, including:WARRANTY INFORMATIONfor when appliances need repairPAINT COLORSfor matching existing walls and trimsMAINTENANCE SCHEDULESto keep appliances running smoothlyWINDOW TREATMENT DETAILSso replacements are a cinchFLOORING MATERIALSso you can keep wood shiny and tile glossyPacked with informative tips, fill-in-the-blank prompts and grid pages for sketching room layouts, this book's easy-to-understand design and thorough coverage make it impossible to overlook even the most obscure (yet vital! ) detail about your wonderful home.