Spell Jars for the Modern Witch will guide you through the entire process of jar spellcrafting-creating spells inside sealed containers - from setting your intentions, to cleansing your ritual space, to building and activating your spells. But before diving into individual spell jar recipes, you'll first learn all about magickal colour, crystal, number, and astrological properties; how to best time the creation of your spell; and the power meaning of certain herbs, flowers, and other natural ingredients that will help you decide what to include in your spell jars. Then begin manifesting your goals with fifty step-by-step spell jar recipes for everyday life, including spells for: Protection from nightmares; Financial abundance; Manifesting self-confidence; Successful job hunting; Memorialising a loved one; Cultivating a stable, happy home life; And more Whether you're looking to craft spell jars to banish bad vibes or simply discover more joy in your life, this comprehensive, easy-to-use guide has you covered.