At birth, we are the fullest and most vibrant expressions of ourselves. Some of us, however, lose this radiance due to one or more tragic life circumstances that robbed us of a beautiful childhood, whether it be the loss of a parent, emotional neglect, or even an abusive upbringing. As adults, we're left stumbling through life, yearning for even a taste of that childhood wonder as we ask ourselves, 'How the hell did I get here?' Fortunately, there are better ways to regain our light without chasing after the love we never received or reliving our most painful memories. A Woman's Guide to Inner Child Healing utilizes a variety of insightful journal prompts, worksheets, and tips that will teach you how to: Connect with your younger self; Identify your 4 Core Wounds; Reparent your inner child; Gain closure and healing; And more! Permanently escape your cycle of emotional turmoil using a variety of intuitive exercises and informative guides expertly crafted by an experienced registered psychotherapist and relationship coach!