Photographer and road warrior Hannah Verbeuren presents a vivid, lurid, rabid history of mysterious heavy metal animals Midnight. Captured in explosive live, comically candid, and lurid fantasy settings, the hooded band plays with fire, swords, and naked bodies in settings ranging from European castles to the the smutty back alleys of their native Cleveland. Essays by Verbeuren and Midnight main man Athenar ring the bells and keep everything street. You will believe a band can fly...'In rock 'n' roll you've gotta have some kind of visuals. That's one of my most cherished shitty opinions. Venom were huge Kiss fans, they knew the importance of making themselves look how the band sounded. So taking my turn at the vampire bat, I just made a little combo platter of those two bands whose sound and vision I hold in high regard. 'But what about Foghat' you ask? Great mustaches don't equal great visuals.'-Athenar, from his foreword. 'I wanted to tell the story I would want to be told if I didn't already know the story. I wanted to be able to give that to the fans, and say, 'I hope this is something that will make you happy.' The band is shrouded in black, and you don't know much about them, but it s revealing enough that you have an idea. I wanted to connect the fans to the band, and I wanted it to feel real.'-Hannah Verbeuren.