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Linux Basics for Hackers

Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali

ISBN-13: 9781593278557

Author(s): OccupyTheWeb

Subjects: UM


Publisher Imprint: No Starch Press

Publication Date: 06-12-2018

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Linux Basics for Hackers

About the book

Many aspiring hackers are unfamiliar with Linux, having learned computer basics in a Windows or Mac environment. This can pose the single most important obstacle to mastering the skills to becoming a better hacker; while hacking can be done with Windows or OS X, nearly all hacking tools are developed specifically for Linux. Linux Basics for Hackers aims to provide you with a foundation of Linux skills that every hacker needs. As you progress, you'll have access to numerous real-world examples and hands-on exercises to apply your new knowledge and bring yourself up to speed.