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R for the Rest of Us

A Statistics-Free Introduction

ISBN-13: 9781718503328

Author(s): David Keyes

Subjects: UM


Publisher Imprint: No Starch Press

Publication Date: 25-06-2024

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

R for the Rest of Us

About the book

For statisticians, R is the go-to programming language for complex numerical analysis - but it comes in handy for a lot more than that. In�R Without Statistics�you'll discover ways that R can be used by the rest of us! Packed with real-world examples and easy-to-follow coding instructions, it introduces R's application in a wide range of non-statistical tasks, from data visualization and interpreting survey results, to map plotting and automating workloads.�Each chapter features an actual R programmer who achieved something novel using the language, and then covers the case study and code samples demonstrating exactly how they did it. Whether it's creating visualizations for�Scientific American, applying a consistent theme to BBC graphics, organizing professional government reports, or effectively mapping the spread of COVID-19, R offers a unique way to transform your work.