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A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement & Resistance

ISBN-13: 9781629638638

Author(s): Ananya Roy

Subjects: RGC

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press

Publication Date: 09-09-2021

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock


About the book

Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement and Resistance brings together cartography, essays, illustrations, poetry, and more in order to depict gentrification and resistance struggles from across the San Francisco Bay Area and act as a roadmap to counter-hegemonic knowledge making and activism. Compiled by the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, each chapter reflects different frameworks for understanding the Bay Area's ongoing urban upheaval, including: evictions and root shock, indigenous geographies, health and environmental racism, state violence, transportation and infrastructure, migration and relocation, and speculative futures.