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Radar, Hula Hoops And Playful Pigs

67 Digestible Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life

ISBN-13: 9781554905911

Author(s): Joe Dr. Schwarcz

Subjects: PDZ

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 09-11-2010

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Radar, Hula Hoops And Playful Pigs

About the book

Joe Schwarcz really does tell it like it is in 67 short, entertaining, and informative pieces about chemistry in everyday life. He gives us the latest about homeopathy and alternative medicine. He explores the science behind Alice's strange adventures in Wonderland, Rumpole's deadly cheese souffle, and Casanova's experiments with Spanish Fly'; he investigates the nefarious chemistry of the KGB, the colours of urine, and the mysteries of baldness. Even Houdini makes a magical appearance. Finally, discover the amazing links between radar, hula hoops, and playful pigs!'