There is a lot of information for new marijuana growers to take in, which can make starting out difficult. What strain is the best to start with? Where should you grow it? What kind of equipment do you need? What pests do you need to look out for? Mistakes in the growing process can be not only personally frustrating, but costly with the amount of equipment needed to grow marijuana indoors. Plus, growing marijuana can have legal ramifications if the grower isn't careful about keeping it concealed. Luckily, Professor Lee has thought of everything. The first half of Marijuana 101 focuses on guiding readers through all the considerations they need to make before they start growing their green in order to cut down on frustrating and costly trial and error. Lee also helps cut down on costs with DIY options for potentially pricey equipment, such as the sections on how to create your own carbon air filter and hydroponis. In potentially the most important section of the book, Lee covers how to keep your garden a secret. With advice on how to disguise your movements and hide your activity from nosy neighbors and discreetly dispose of waste, Lee provides readers with the tools to protect themselves without judgement. The second half of the book focuses on the actual growing process, harvesting and cloning. From sprouting to floral growth, the entire growth cycle is covered in detail with photos for each stage to ensure readers know what they are meant to be looking for. The harvesting and storage section contains step-by-step guides and in-depth explanations on how to ensure that all the reader s work doesn t go to waste at the end. Even the revered cloning process is made more comprehensible in Professor Lee's straightforward explanation. No detail is too small for Professor Lee to comment on, whether it is the pros and cons of different garden locations or the methods of cleaning your containers, readers will never feel lost or confused - which is definitely more than can be said for most textbooks. Lee's personal experience with growing means he is well aware of the challenges of marijuana cultivation, and he does an excellent job preparing readers to face those challenges with a combination of preventative measures and tips to help recover from mistakes without too much additional hassle.