Sports fandom can bring us together like almost nothing else in today's world. Still, that doesn't mean everyone has to agree. In fact, nothing is better than a healthy debate about any and every element of sports with friends, family, coworkers, nemeses, or even strangers at your favourite hangout.�Armed with a wealth of knowledge and fandom experience, Greeny and Hembo tackle the 100 most-debated questions in the sports-talk world and provide 100 lists that will tell you who is the best of the best in football, basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing, and more. What is the most coveted trophy in all of sports? Who is the most clutch in Game 7? Which ballpark has the most bizarre concessions? And why is�Rocky�without a doubt the best sports movie of all time?�Greeny and Hembo have got your answers. They're correct across the board, of course, but pick up the book and let never-ending argumentation commence.�Also don't miss the 100 Sneaky Hembo trivia questions designed to confound and delight!