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Heavy Metal Presents: American Beauties By Greg Hildebrandt

ISBN-13: 9781955537346

Author(s): Greg Hildebrandt

Subjects: WZS

Publisher: Simon And Schuster Group USA

Publisher Imprint: Heavy Metal Entertainment

Publication Date: 27-10-2022

Format: Calendar

Availability: In stock

Heavy Metal Presents: American Beauties By Greg Hildebrandt

About the book

The American Beauties by Greg Hildebrandt pinup calendar was created by world-renowned Artist and illustrator Greg Hildebrandt. Hildebrandt gained international recognition for creating the original Star Wars poster, the record setting 1976, '77 & '78 Tolkien Lord of the Rings calendars and of course The American Beauties Pinup Series. Featuring a collection of 13 exquisitely rendered retro-inspired pinup paintings with a decidedly modern take, The American Beauties pinup calendar is like no other.