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Can't Lit

Fearless Fiction from Broken Pencil Magazine

ISBN-13: 9781554908967

Author(s): Richard Rosenbaum

Subjects: FA, FBA, FBC

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 15-10-2009

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Can't Lit

About the book

In 1995, Canadian novelist and critic Hal Niedviecki started publishing Broken Pencil, a magazine dedicated to the zine scene, the independent and alternative arts community that had been boiling below the surface of Canada's culture. Broken Pencil's mandate was (and is) to bring the submerged cultural urge into Canada's collective consciousness, to help lift it up and lend it legitimacy. And this includes promoting writing, from writers within Canada and outside it whom nobody here had ever heard of or wouldn't touch, that was too weird or uncomfortable for the