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Diplomat, Actor, Translator, Spy

The Cahier Series 19

ISBN-13: 9780956992055

Author(s): Bernard Turle

Subjects: FA, FBA

Publisher: Sylph Editions

Publisher Imprint: Sylph Editions

Publication Date: 15-04-2013

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Diplomat, Actor, Translator, Spy

About the book

Bernard Turle offers a series of glimpses into the working life of a translator, an intimate A to Z of aspects of the craft and practice of translating that are usually overlooked in more theoretical accounts. What emerges is not just a portrait of this particular translator, of his origins, motivations, delights, and frustrations, but of the profession of the translator itself as one who, though he may assume various guises, is forever working to give new life to the words of others. The text is accompanied by images from the childhood of Cahiers Series Editor, Dan Gunn.