Every Day I Fight

by Stuart Scott
Every Day I Fight

Availability: To order

Shortly before he passed away in January 2015, much-loved U.S. sports commentator Stuart Scott completed work on this memoir. It was both a labour of love and a love letter to life itself. Not only did Stuart relate his personal story, he shared his intimate struggles to keep his story going. Struck by appendicular cancer in 2007, Stuart battled this rare disease with tenacity and vigour. He wanted to be there for his daughters as an immutable example of determination and courage. Every Day I Fight is a saga of love and an inspiration to us all.
About the book

Shortly before he passed away in January 2015, much-loved U.S. sports commentator Stuart Scott completed work on this memoir. It was both a labour of love and a love letter to life itself. Not only did Stuart relate his personal story, he shared his intimate struggles to keep his story going. Struck by appendicular cancer in 2007, Stuart battled this rare disease with tenacity and vigour. He wanted to be there for his daughters as an immutable example of determination and courage. Every Day I Fight is a saga of love and an inspiration to us all.