Fighting On All Fronts

by Donny Gluckstein
Fighting On All Fronts
  • ISBN-13: 9781909026933
  • Author(s): Donny Gluckstein
  • Subject: History
  • Publisher: Bookmarks
  • Imprint: Bookmarks E Books
  • Publication Date: 30-07-2015
  • Format: Electronic book text

Availability: In stock

Seventy years separate the end of the Second World War from 2015 and yet the issues it raised remain fundamental to our understanding of the world today. Contrary to later claims of anti-fascist intentions on the part of Allied governments, the Second World War began as a naked conflict between the haves and have-nots of imperialism. Fighting on All Fronts explores the impact of popular resistance movements both in the war in the East and in the West, and the lessons we can draw for today.
About the book

Seventy years separate the end of the Second World War from 2015 and yet the issues it raised remain fundamental to our understanding of the world today. Contrary to later claims of anti-fascist intentions on the part of Allied governments, the Second World War began as a naked conflict between the haves and have-nots of imperialism. Fighting on All Fronts explores the impact of popular resistance movements both in the war in the East and in the West, and the lessons we can draw for today.

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