Graphic Design

by Peter Anderson

Graphic Design

  • ISBN-13: 9780955485008
  • Author(s): Peter Anderson
  • Subject: Art styles not defined by date
  • Publisher: Zidane Press
  • Imprint: Zidane Press
  • Publication Date: 10-02-2008
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

In the 21st century, the extraordinary has become the everyday. Graphic design plays a defining role in the communication of this new paradigm. Anderson and Roberts establish a first principle model of communication as a way of exploring graphic design, starting with the proposition of concept and delivery of concept in the form of a message to a chosen audience and recognising significant changes to graphic design methodology by integrating cultural influences. Uses over 200 full colour historical and contemporary examples illustrating current major themes.
About the book

In the 21st century, the extraordinary has become the everyday. Graphic design plays a defining role in the communication of this new paradigm. Anderson and Roberts establish a first principle model of communication as a way of exploring graphic design, starting with the proposition of concept and delivery of concept in the form of a message to a chosen audience and recognising significant changes to graphic design methodology by integrating cultural influences. Uses over 200 full colour historical and contemporary examples illustrating current major themes.