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Has Populism Won?

The War on Liberal Democracy

ISBN-13: 9781778520570

Author(s): Daniel Drache

Subjects: JP

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 03-11-2022

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Has Populism Won?

About the book

From Trumpian America to Putin's nationalist Russia, and from Poland to the Philippines, rapid change and rising inequality have fuelled a retreat into tribalist nationalism fed by a fear of being left behind. Populist leaders reach into this fear, using it as a lever to power with empty promises of looking out for the little person and promising a return to national greatness. This is happening in countries spread across the globe and the political spectrum, arising in the right and the left alike, and recently brought into harsh relief against Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine. So why are we so susceptible to this pernicious political style at this moment? How did we get here? And more importantly, will we get back to more even-handed governments? Filled with original research, political scientists Drache and Froese have written a chilling, compelling analysis of the rise of populism, and reveal what it will take to douse the flames. This is an essential read for anyone concerned about the encroachments on freedom and the rule of law around the world.