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Ideology and Practice: Relations between China and Tanzania in Historical Perspective: 1968-1985

ISBN-13: 9781569024850

Author(s): Kwesi Djapong Lwazi Sarkodee Prah

Subjects: 1H, GTBH, JB

Publisher: Africa World Press

Publisher Imprint: Africa World Press

Publication Date: 28-03-2019

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Ideology and Practice: Relations between China and Tanzania in Historical Perspective: 1968-1985

About the book

It is without question that a very relevant issue influencing our times concerns relations between Africa and China, in an increasingly competitive political and economic international arena. Covering a period of roughly seventeen years, this book is a timely review of the historical narrative outlining policies, actions and impacts of state development between China and Tanzania. Its theoretical argument begins with the idea that perspective is a crucial determinant in understanding the value of history, and therefore the various geneses regarding human development.