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Lover's Lane: A Treasury of XXth Century Murder

The Hall-Mills Mystery

ISBN-13: 9781561636280

Author(s): Rick Geary

Subjects: FNG, FX, XA

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 09-08-2012

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Lover's Lane: A Treasury of XXth Century Murder

About the book

The perfect ingredients for a juicy scandal and fascinating investigation are presented in this masterful graphic novel retelling of an unsolved murder from the 1920s. On the evening of September 14, 1922, Reverend Edward Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mills take a stroll in the New Brunswick town park. Shots are heard and two days later their bodies are found lying neatly next to each other, love letters strewn around them, and a scarf obscures the fact that Mrs. Mills' throat has been slit. Lovers' Lane is a tragic story told with beguiling relish and expert illustration.