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My War With Brian

ISBN-13: 9781561632152

Author(s): Ted Rall

Subjects: FNG, FX, XA

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 01-03-2000

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

My War With Brian

About the book

Rall is back recounting his junior-high years at the hadns of a merciless bully who just wouldn't let up. Ted, now a strapping fella over 6 feet happily lost in the Big Apple, was a wimpy egghead trapped in the middle of Nowheresville, Heartland USA back then, and hated it with a passion. This no-holds-barred recollection begs the question: was his attitude so snotty that he deserved the abuse?