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Notes from the Hall of Uselessness

The Cahier Series 9

ISBN-13: 9780955889639

Author(s): Simon Leys

Subjects: FA, FBA

Publisher: Sylph Editions

Publisher Imprint: Sylph Editions

Publication Date: 15-10-2012

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Notes from the Hall of Uselessness

About the book

Simon Leys, novelist, unflinching cultural and political commentator, Sinologist, and occasional illustrator, presents here timely meditations on the experience and hazards of literary translation. Preceding his essay are observations on everything from demented tyrants to musical geniuses who gain insights from vacuum cleaners. Written with wit and concision, this cahier offers English-language readers a chance to get to know a writer who is renowned for his wisdom and insight as much as he is for his linguistic and literary expertise.