One Thing - Then Another
ISBN-13: 9781773053158
Author(s): Claire Kelly
Subjects: DCF
Publisher: Ecw Press
Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital
Publication Date: 16-04-2019
Format: Ebook
Availability: In stock

ISBN-13: 9781773053158
Author(s): Claire Kelly
Subjects: DCF
Publisher: Ecw Press
Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital
Publication Date: 16-04-2019
Format: Ebook
Availability: In stock
About the book
A poetic response to the tumult of a move across country
One Thing Then Another is a collection of poetry divided into three unique sections: East explores the constraints of living under the poverty line in a have-not province. And is a long poem about moving in a U-Haul across the prairies during an ice storm. West considers what it means to live in the have-est of have provinces and trying to acclimate to that alongside an ever-present drought.
The poems are largely about contrast: east to west, flood to aridity, poverty to comfort, small town to city. Throughout this accessible, smart, and funny collection, there are many descriptions of apocalyptic upheaval to reflect the feelings of disruption that often accompany relocation.