Plastic Emotions is a novel based on the true life story of Minnette de Silva, the first female Sri Lankan architect. In a gripping and lyrical novel, Shiromi Pinto charts Minnette's affair with famed modernist Le Corbusier and her efforts to build a postindependence Sri Lanka. Set in London, Chandigarth, Colombo, Paris and Kandy, Plastic Emotions explores the life of a young, trailblazing south Asian woman at a time of great political turbulence across the globe. From communal violence in Sri Lanka, forewarning the rise of the civil war, to troubles with building a brand new city in north India, de Silva's life is pinned to several key moments in subcontinental history. This novel paints a complex picture of de Silva, a forgotten feminist icon, one who is largely unknown in her home country, the rest of Asia and Europe. It is time the world learned about Minnette de Silva and Shiromi Pinto is the perfect author to tell her story.