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Pontypool Changes Everything

ISBN-13: 9781554908813

Author(s): Tony Burgess

Subjects: FA, FBA, FBC

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 20-12-2010

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Pontypool Changes Everything

About the book

A compelling, terrifying story of a devastating virus. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to kill someone, or wondered, in your darkest secret thoughts, about the taste of human flesh? What if you woke up and began your morning by devoting the rest of your life to a murderous rampage, a never-ending cannibalistic spree? And what if you were one of thousands who shared the same compulsion? This book depicts just such as an epidemic. You catch it through conversation and it leads you into another world where the undead chase you down the streets.