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Proper Go Well High

ISBN-13: 9781906653026

Author(s): Oliver East

Subjects: FNG, FX, XA

Publisher: Blank Slate

Publisher Imprint: Blank Slate

Publication Date: 23-02-2009

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Proper Go Well High

About the book

Following on from Oliver East's breakout book Trains are...Mint, the artist continues his adventuring out on walks from Manchester until he reaches Liverpool, recording the many things that pass him by in everyday life. Part travel book, part diary, Oliver captures the character of the North-West, commenting on social and political issues. Told in a series of beautifully composed panels, the artist offers more of the stunning imagery that has garnered an Ignatz Award nomination and illustrated the Mercury Award-winning Elbow album The Seldom Seen Kid.