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Raising Hell


ISBN-13: 9781629630038

Author(s): Norman Spinrad

Subjects: FGJ, FL

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press E Books

Publication Date: 21-08-2014

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Raising Hell

About the book

An all-new story designed to take a poke at both Christian fundamentalists and corporate CEOs, Raising Hell' is a rousing account of the fight to improve working conditions in Hell, with the help of such deceased immortals as Jimmy Hoffa, John L. Lewis and Cesar Chavez. 'The Abnormal New Normal', which casts a cold and razor-sharp eye on current trends in popular culture, shows how they reflect the domination of the one percent and suggests a radical fix. Also featured is PM Press' Outspoken Interview, the usual mix of intimate revelation, insight and outright lies.'