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Rosa Parks

ISBN-13: 9781681122915

Author(s): Mariapaola Pesce

Subjects: FXZ, XAB, XQA

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 07-04-2022

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

Rosa Parks

About the book

Alabama, 1955: at the end of the working day, 42-year-old Rosa Parks takes the bus home. She sits in a centre row, but when a white passenger gets on after a few stops, the driver asks her to get up to give him her seat, as required by the rules. 'No,' Rosa replies. That simple refusal turns her into a heroine of Black rights, engaged in the fight against segregation that oppresses Alabama and other southern states, becoming the propellant of the historic bus boycott in Montgomery led by Martin Luther King. This is her story shown in a context of why it is still so resonant today.