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Shades of the Other Shore

The Cahier Series 20

ISBN-13: 9780956992062

Author(s): Jeffrey Greene

Subjects: FA, FBA

Publisher: Sylph Editions

Publisher Imprint: Sylph Editions

Publication Date: 15-11-2014

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Shades of the Other Shore

About the book

Shades of the Other Shore�has come about through a collaboration between writer Jeffrey Greene and artist Ralph Petty. The two, writer and artist, share rural American beginnings, but have since discovered a new life in France, in sparsely populated French areas of Burgundy and the Ard�che, respectively. Their cahier offers a deep mapping of their adopted regions: Greene s sequence of sketches and poems explores imagined correspondences between personal and historical ghosts tied to the seasons; Petty s watercolours record a journey to the source of a local river. The result is a rich artistic translation, through their American sensibilities, of the landscapes of their chosen homes.