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Slip of the Tongue

Talking About Language

ISBN-13: 9781621060116

Author(s): Katie Haegele

Subjects: CBX

Publisher: Microcosm Publishing

Publisher Imprint: Microcosm Publishing

Publication Date: 06-05-2014

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

Slip of the Tongue

About the book

Slip of The Tongue explores a wide range of topics in linguistics through reflecting on the author's life and surroundings. Author Katie Haegele is a respected memoirist who makes sense of the world around her by looking at the ways we use language: to communicate, to make art and simply to survive. She takes us through her life by describing her family's rich linguistic history and her own coming of age as a feminist and an artist, and introduces us to her hometown of Philadelphia, a city lively with graffiti, poetry and the remnants of its colonial heritage.